Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Ranch

I'm headed to San Saba, TX today to spend a couple of days at my grandparent's ranch. My Mom's parents own a ranch called "Norris Ranch" with a creek running through it called "Rough Creek." I love going there. It feels like home even though it's not my home. I've never lived there, yet it seems like so many of my happy times growing up were spent there. I love walking along the trails and swimming at the swimming hole. I love fishing and cooking food over a fire. There is nothing quite like it.

My other grandparents live in San Saba too. They also live on a ranch, only on the other side of town. It's about a quarter of the size of the other one, but it is still so nice. When we were kids, we would walk around looking for arrowheads still left-over from the Native Americans who used to live in the area. There is a whole box full of them at my grandparents house. My Dad went walking the other day and found one. That was the first one we have found in several years. We thought we had completely finished searching the place, but it is so fun when we find one more! Those memories are so great.

My parents were high school sweethearts, so I think going back to San Saba can be refreshing for them. My Dad's dad is 96 - my Grandpa. I think part of the plan this weekend is for my Dad to go up to the bank with Grandpa and make sure all of his accounts are in order. We try to go up and see them more now that he is getting so much older.

I love going to the ranch. I hope someday I can take my future husband and someday my children. I think one can't ever quite know me until you've been to the ranch with me.

It's a part of my soul.