Saturday, December 13, 2008

Learning Trust Through Trials

As Christmas is approaching, I find myself in a point in life of new trust. I am praying for new trust everyday - in God's purpose for me in my relationship with him, in my health, in my career, in my future relationships, with my finances, and with my family. I have perhaps never been in a place in my life where so much is unknown. Come next May, a whole new life opens up to me. I am still waking up everyday with a headache. Some days they turn in to full migraines. I've been on so many medicines now I can't hardly remember all of them. Yet, I'm managing to make it through Law School somehow - just taking one day at a time. It's not the way I invisioned it, but maybe that's a good thing. I believe God has a plan for my life and that this health issue must play into it somehow. Yet, I can't help but feel as if these chronic headaches have taken away so much of my life. I am not always able to make social events. I am not able to be at my best with schoolwork except on my best days. I look back on how easy it used to be for me in High School and College and know if my headaches were just gone, I would be that person again. Still, I know that God is teaching me through this - to trust Him. It is a hard lesson to learn, but I'm learning it - and rejoicing in Him anyway. As Christians, we must rejoice. "Joy is not a luxury or a mere accessory in the Christian life. It is a sign that we are really living in God's wonderful love, and that love satisfies us."~ Andrew Murray

Christmas is right around the corner. I will rejoice and trust in my Savior. Jesus Christ has blessed my life to know just who You are.

"The basic premise of biblical trust is that the God and Father of Jesus Christ wants us to live, to grow, to unfold, and to experience fullness of life. Trust is an attitude acquired gradually through many crises and trials. Through the agonizing trial with his son Isaac, Abraham learned that God wants us to live and not to die, to grow and not to wither. He discovered that the God who called him to hope against hope is reliable. Perhaps this is the essence of trust: to be convinced of the reliability of God. Trust is purified in the crucible of trial. From the depths of a purified heart, trust clings to the belief that whatever happens in our lives is designed to form Christ within us."

~ Brennan Manning