Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"Spring Season"

It's spring. And new life refreshed by rain is in the fragrance of the air we breathe. The spice of growing saplings, the faint scent of wild life, and the musty aroma of moistened earth create an aesthetic that is completed by visions of verdant green grass, a bubbling creek, chasing squirrels, romping calves, and birds flying overhead in newfound freedom.
Spring is beautiful for the redemptive story it tells. Everything that was dead or dormant has come to life again.
But without winter, would we even see spring? Or would it pass by us taken completely for granted? 
Without the years of wilderness, would we even find our promised land? It's a process of sanctification, these seasons of life. We should never forsake his lessons, his truth, and his joys today. 
Abundant life is now. Each season has its own blessing. Whether you're a child wanting to grow up, a teenager figuring yourself out, a single person wishing to be married, a married person fighting with their spouse, parents of young kids just getting through the days, parents of young adults stuck in teenage years, older adults wondering what to do now that their kids are grown...
...wherever you are there is truth and beauty, lessons in faith and hope for tomorrow...
But until we learn, with willing spirits, what God is teaching us in this season, I don't believe we'll move on. So, I don't know about you but I've had an extra long wilderness. And God has taught me so many invaluable things that I am not even the same person. 
I can feel it coming. Spring is in the air. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss it. 
So, I'll listen and learn, love and lean on Him, living in this season until he says it's time for new life to bud. 
His process of sanctification began the day I believed and will never stop until the day I am in His presence. So I will celebrate this season and all it has to offer, knowing that when spring finally arrives, I'll be ready for all its promises to come true.