Friday, May 27, 2016

Darkness to Light

I think that often times, we get pulled into this mentality that our life is less than what it should be. We talk about being in the wilderness. We say that there is a brighter day coming.

And it's true.

But what if...just what if that bright day didn't happen until we see Jesus face to face? What if the prosperity messages that feel so good are not to be our reality? Now, I'm not trying to be a downer here, but the simple truth is, we are not all meant to be famous, rich, or even a success. At least, in our word's version of those achievements.

God's version of famous might be different: it may be that your name is written on His hands.

God's version of rich might be different: it may be that you have all the glory of Heaven to inherit.

God's version of success might be different: it may be that you fulfill His purpose for your life.

And so, when we fall and when we sit in darkness, we do rise again. But only with the Lord as our light. Everything else has to fade away into that darkness. And the only vision we have is the candle of Jesus Christ shining, illuminated by His own glory.

We rise--like in Baptism--to a new life. One that no longer focuses on ourselves at all but only on Jesus and His Kingdom. The Bible says, "Seek first ye the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

And yes, I believe that to be true. I'm not saying that God will not fulfill the desires of our hearts or "add all these things." All I'm saying is, that it might look a lot different than we think. Perhaps the desire of our heart should be nothing but God. Perhaps "all these things" are His provision to fuel us along His pathway for us.

And I do think He often leaves blessings along the way. He is not a harsh God. He is a good God that wants to give His children good things.

But His good things. Not necessarily ours.

And maybe until we're ready to accept that--without complaining--we might never know what it is to truly be in the light. Maybe the whole time, we're just lost in the darkness of our own desires and our own meager tangible world.

Perhaps the light that God wants us to live in is much grander than that. And we have to fall and experience the loss of hopes and dreams--even if only for a time--to find what is even better.

Him and Him alone. And find that He, indeed, is more than enough. And His light enables us to truly see in this dark world that we live in.