Friday, December 15, 2017

Truth & Consequences...and Righting Wrongs.

Truth will out.

That has been on my mind for days now. But it seems like people don't care about the truth anymore. Or doing what is right. Or checking their facts before spreading falsehood. Or basically doing anything remotely close to being a decent, honest, upstanding human being.

Who do you trust in this world of fakes? Wolves in sheep's clothing seem to be around every corner now and there is no way to know if you can even trust the most respectable people you know. Think about all these sex scandals, and agenda-driven destroying of other people, and just lack of compassion and love in general?

Since when did it go out of style to forgive someone, or admit when you are sorry, or give someone the benefit of the doubt? Since when did "love wins" turn into "I will hate you and destroy you until I get my agenda no matter how that affects the freedom of mankind and your conscience." Since when did people stop "putting themselves in each other's shoes" as Atticus Finch counsels Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Nope. That's off limits now. Now, it is almost like we are back to "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." And the ego and the selfishness of the people involved will not let them admit to even themselves that they are wrong.

And I am disappointed. And disgusted. And trying to figure out when to stay silent and when to speak out. And finally figuring out that... is all meaningless. Really, Ecclesiastes is right on so many levels. All this backbiting and fighting...all this hatred in a world that God designed so beautifully for us pales in comparison to that Love that descended on a silent night over 2,000 years ago. He came to restore everything. He came to redeem.

He came to cover all those sins. And make even the worst human righteous in God's eyes by being covered by His blood and righteousness. And all of a sudden, life makes sense again. And the hazy picture comes together in HD definition.

It is all about Him. And His glory. And the redemption of all of the people He loves.

And that means everyone. Your friend. Your brother. Your enemy.

He came to this earth and died to save them all.

But there are consequences...on this Earth if not after. And especially if we do not find Him our Savior. We are accountable for every word we speak. So think about that. And speak only what He would have you say. If you honor Him at all. If you have any respect for the One who came to bring you and the rest of this world Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men.

Maybe we should spread a little of that instead of more division and strife. I think, on that at least, we can all be in accord.