Friday, June 6, 2008

A Sleepy Post (yawn)

I'm pretty sleepy, so this will be short. I've decided that it is very easy to let worry creep in until it starts to overwhelm you, so that action and personality even begin to bend to that worry. Sometimes, this worry can become so entrenched that it can, in a very real sense, take over your life. I think people who brood are classic examples. I've never considered myself a brooder, but I think as life goes on, it is easy to start letting worries pile up if one is not very, very careful to put them in God's hands as they come along. He will carry our burdens. He does not want us to worry. This is one of the most blessed, beautiful parts of being a Christian. There is this miraculous way that God takes our cares upon Himself and takes those burdens off our shoulders. Jesus says, "come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." We are told that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We are to cast all our cares upon Him, and He will, give us rest. It is that easy. Yet, is it? In one aspect (a very real aspect), it is. When we do regularly make it a practice not to worry and to immediately give our burdens and worries to Christ, the peace of God "which is beyond understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians). I know this peace well. Yet, still life creeps in. Worry creeps in. I begin to hold on to fears, hurts, insecurities, problems, physical pain, and concern over others until it begins to feel as if I can't hold any more. Something I've learned about life, and although this may not be too profound, is that everyday brings another obstacle, another challenge, or another issue to resolve. Sometimes, they are small things that are very achievable with little effort. Other times, they are so significant that our lives may be changed. Sometimes you hear a phrase like "everyday, it is just one more thing." Well, as dismal as that statement sounds, it is very true.

Today, I found out that a very close cousin of mine has a cancerous node in her thyroid. It would be easy for me to begin to worry and stress over her and let it begin to burden me. Just thinking about it made me think of how much I have to worry over in my life right now - law school, eventually needing a job after law school ;), how God is going to use me in relationships, whether God is preparing a husband for me, making sure that I am being shaped into the woman God would have me be, how or when my health issues will finally resolve, other family members or friends that have health or other problems, and the everyday worries of making calls, studying, and taking care of my apartment and car. In a mini-epiphany, I began to realize that all of these parts of my life that are so easy to worry about have begun to weigh on me so that really bad news, such as I received today, can very easily become the straw that breaks the camel's back, you know?

My new resolve is to not allow worry to affect me this way. I will claim those scriptures on my life and give my burdens, cares, and worries to my Lord, who is fully apt to take care of them. I know His peace will be a great replacement. ;)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crazy Story

It was like being in a movie...

I went home for a week or so after Spring finals ended. I was out with my parents one day and as we were rounding the corner of the Wall of China going through Bastrop (which is a whole other story), we were going to get one of those new grilled chicken snack wraps from McDonalds on our way home. So, we are about to turn into McDonalds when we notice there is an SUV turned on its side by the wall/overpass with a shattered windshield. There was a crowd of people staring at the SUV but no police or ambulance. So, we wonder if we should stop somewhere and try to help. As we are pulling around looking for a place to pull over, we see the guy inside the SUV push through some of the glass on the windshield. Well, a guy that was standing by started helping him pull the glass apart. He literally crawled through his shattered windshield to the outside. There was nothing wrong with him, but I bet his poor SUV was totaled. Anyway, I've never seen anything like that before. It was like being in a movie, seeing that guy crawl through the windshield of his car.