Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crazy Story

It was like being in a movie...

I went home for a week or so after Spring finals ended. I was out with my parents one day and as we were rounding the corner of the Wall of China going through Bastrop (which is a whole other story), we were going to get one of those new grilled chicken snack wraps from McDonalds on our way home. So, we are about to turn into McDonalds when we notice there is an SUV turned on its side by the wall/overpass with a shattered windshield. There was a crowd of people staring at the SUV but no police or ambulance. So, we wonder if we should stop somewhere and try to help. As we are pulling around looking for a place to pull over, we see the guy inside the SUV push through some of the glass on the windshield. Well, a guy that was standing by started helping him pull the glass apart. He literally crawled through his shattered windshield to the outside. There was nothing wrong with him, but I bet his poor SUV was totaled. Anyway, I've never seen anything like that before. It was like being in a movie, seeing that guy crawl through the windshield of his car.

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