Friday, November 20, 2015

Eye Photos

"I wish my eyes could take photos."

I read that somewhere. And I though it was cool at first. Then I realized, our eyes do take photos.

They're called memories.

I wrote a poem a year or two ago about a from more than 8 years ago. It was a poem about release and forgiveness. It was a poem about old dreams encountering new dreams. It was about life, love, and times forgotten. It was about the bright future we both have apart from one another. It was about my prayers and wishes for him. (I will post the poem at the bottom of this blog)

I haven't really thought about him much since I wrote that poem. And thank God. Seriously, I do thank the Lord. I'm so glad that I moved past any thoughts of him and what might have been. But seeing that quote the other day and the little project I'm currently undertaking of putting together a poetry book made my heart a little nostalgic again--not for him (again, thank the Lord) but for times of friendship and ease, of laughter and kindness, of the mystery of first love...

And although I was never in love with this person, I have to admit, I love a whole lot of people. Love is not a feeling so much as it is caring and considering for another person, doing good things for them, and hoping the best for them. We are called by the Lord to love ALL people, and so yes, I love these people in my past--even the guys that ended up not being "the one."

And I cherish the memories--the eye photos. I miss long talks with my friends in college, I miss worshiping together at events, I miss working out with the ladies in Smithville--just being together and striving for a goal as one--and I think about the long days spent writing papers, studying, and working for my dreams...only to find myself in a completely different dream years later than I ever imagined. Just as good, mind you--if not even better.

Because God's plans for me are better than my own. If there is one thing I've discovered to be true in 31 years, apart from the Truth of Who He is, it is that.

And so, I find myself very thankful today. For the eye photos of the past and for the ones I'll make in the future. For the people, the events, and cares of yesterday...and the people, events, and cares of tomorrow. I am thankful for today. And for the memories I've made.

Here's to making more eye photos...wanna join me?

"Mirrored Memory"

A memory, a sigh, a heartfelt wish
Imprinted on the mirror of my heart
Beautiful in all its imperfections
Like you and like me--and what we once were
Who knows why I refused to find my way
Free of images of you reflecting
Right next to me like someday you'd be there
When it should have been clear you never were
And the warbled antique dreams fade away
Replaced by this era of clarity
Renewed and fresh, you're forgiven and loved
And so am I, alone just like you are
Because despite good and right intentions
I expected you to be genuine
And you? You expected me to be her
Instead of reflecting all that I am
True and beautiful, right in my own eyes
And His too, I think--the one opinion
I care for, yours weighing so much far less
Than His as to be nothing to me now
Even so, I find I don't miss seeing
Wishing, sighing, hoping for memories
Of you except to laugh or smile or shrug
And to say hello instead of goodbye
Free and content to bless, to wish you well
On your way, wherever life and God lead
And hope for your sake that someone might teach
You to see in color rather than stay
Black and white, forever in memory

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