Friday, January 8, 2016


The truth is, I am not good enough. And neither are you.

None of us are. The Bible says that even "our righteousness is as filthy rags." Thank God for His grace, right? And the covering of His blood. It is because He took our place--our punishment--that we can take on His cloak of righteousness. He made a pretty incredible trade for us. Taking our death so that we could take part of His glory.

And it is His blood, His grace, His breath of life in us, that makes us good. Enough for Him. Enough for everyone else.

Enough for me.

Ouch, that is hard one. I have to write that out with gritted teeth. Maybe this is more of a female thing, but I think both sexes deal with it. We want everyone else to treat us like we think we deserve but we don't treat ourselves very nicely. We say negative things about ourselves, sometimes even out loud.

I am going to challenge myself and everyone reading this blog to not say one negative thing about yourself or over yourself for the next week. From January 8th to January 15, there can be no "I am such an idiot," "I'm a mess," "I can't do that," or  even "I don't like that mole," "I'm having a bad hair day," or "I wish I had smaller, bigger, better _________."

For one week, only say the things that God says about you. I am "fearfully and wonderfully made," "a child of God," "His beloved," "a co-heir with Christ," and a "friend of God."

God is for us and not against us. So, maybe we shouldn't be either. Maybe we should trust God--that what He says about us is true. Just maybe...if we try to believe Him instead of Satan, at the end of the week, our attitudes, our perspective, and our lives might even be changed.

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