Friday, February 12, 2016

Tomorow is Another Day

That despairing malaise...when your glass half full somehow gets spilled over and is now lying on the floor close to empty with maybe just a drop or two of that life-giving water lingering at the edges.

Bleh. Everyone feels like a bucket of cold water has been thrown over them sometimes...maybe containing seaweed and few frogs for good measure. And for some reason, from start to finish, your day just has this blanket of melancholy across it. You try and fight it, and maybe you even succeed a little, but it's as if the universe has agreed that somehow, someway, it is going to put you back in a bad mood if it possibly can!

Personally, I think this can happen because of spiritual warfare. Satan loves to try and mess with someone's life, especially when they are doing something for the Kingdom of God. I do not believe that demons can possess Christians, but they can oppress them. So, when I begin to feel that way and I just don't know why, I start by praying demons and spiritual oppression away. And sometimes, I have to continue in this prayer throughout the day before the feelings release.

Other times, I think the malaise is caused by the weather, barometric pressure, lack of sleep, and pbly something somebody said that triggered this melancholy even though now we can't remember what anyone said or did. Things cumulate until we feel too tired to go on like we had before.

When we feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired, there is only one thing to do: seek the presence of the Lord. It may be the very last thing you want to do in that moment, but I promise, it is the ONLY thing that will bring refreshing and hope back into your perspective.

The Bible says "Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you." James 4:8 (NKJV) It doesn't say maybe. It doesn't say possibly. Or even very likely.

He WILL draw near to you. And I don't know about you, but the presence of the Lord is more than enough of a river of delight, abundance, and peace to get me through a bad day.

And after all, like Scarlett is so famous for saying, "Tomorrow is another day."

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