Friday, October 7, 2016

To Let Go

No, I'm not going to go into a chorus of "Let it go" even if I sorta do have that temptation. I'm sorry, but not being a momma of lots of little girls, I still kinda like that song.

Now, before you throw your morning coffee at me, I will go ahead and get into my topic. :)

It is when we hold onto things that we can never enjoy them. It is only when we release them to God and hold loosely to them, that we can find peace and find pleasure in even the smallest things in life--that smile from a co-worker, a hug from a friend, the butterfly on the sidewalk, or the giggle of a child in the hallway.

It is when we find more enjoyment in the big things in life too--our families, our jobs, and our passions. Because it is only when we trust God with those things that we can live in the present, not worrying about the past or being anxious about the future.

And the present is all we'll ever have.

So, I pray that, with me, you'll all release whatever is binding your heart and restricting you to the Lord. He can more than handle this moment.

He can handle all that you throw at him. Even the very hardest things.

And I promise, you'll come out smiling.

Not because things are better. No. But because He is good. And you can trust Him.

So let it go.

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