Friday, December 4, 2015

Prayer Warrior Princess

With the Hunger Games book trilogy and movie series out, there are a lot of images in our minds of people with bows and arrows--especially the iconic Katniss with string pulled back, about to release an arrow that we know will hit its mark. She's a female Robin Hood, really...when you think of it...maybe sans the stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

Honestly, I like the Hunger Games. Although a little violent for my taste in places, I think the storyline is good.

And I don't mind the imagery. A warrior princess. A girl that, although she has a soft and tender side, is willing to fight for what she believes in, even to the death. Because maybe, instead of the typical Disney style princesses, that's what we really all are. Warriors.

I don't know about you, but I've had some life harrowing experiences. And I've had some real fears I've had to conquer. Thankfully, I've yet to have to fight for my life physically. But I have had to spiritually, praying away dangers that may have been imaginary at times, but unfortunately, were real at least once in my life.

I am going through a daily devotional type book called Prayer Warrior by Stormie Omartian. I have to tell you, it is powerful! There is no telling what our prayers have done in the past or will do in the present. As the Bible says, "The prayer of a righteous man affecteth much." And you know what, we are all righteous in the Lord when we have accepted the covering of His blood--our cloak of righteousness--to cover our filthy rags. So every one of us that claims our name in The Book of Life needs to be praying earnestly and unceasingly. We all need to be prayer warriors.

And I're probably thinking of that news story where a speaker or professor called a bunch of young women warrior princesses and they got upset, saying it was sexist. Personally, I think that's hilarious! I kinda get it...where the girls were coming from...they didn't like being objectified even when the image was a positive one. But come on now!! I kinda think being a warrior princess is a pretty awesome thing to be.

Can I be one? Please?

Or am I already? As daughters of the King, we women believers are princesses. And as a member of the Army of the Lord, we are also warriors. Especially prayer warriors.

We should be praying for our mothers, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, nephews, husbands, friends' kids, neighbors, and their neighbors. Maybe that seems extreme, but is it really? Who of us, as busy as we all are, can't keep a book like Prayer Warrior on their desk or coffee table and pick it up now and again, praying for  themselves and all the people they can think of? Taking the scriptures and prayers and praying them specifically over people that they know desperately need it?

I don't know about you, but I don't want to just take what Satan hands me. I'm going to do my best to pray him out of my life and the life of my family, friends, and community.

Yes, bad things still happen. Even when we pray. Because God, in his sovereignty, allows some things to happen. And because people have free will.

But who knows what outcomes in our lives prayer has changed? We will never know. But we can be thankful, knowing that each breath is a little miracle. Any of you that has experienced a big miracle, like I have, and like my mom has, knows that prayer does change things.

Because God loves to hear our prayers and loves to answer them. I truly believe that. He wants to give us good things. And He wants to fulfill our dreams and desires as long as they line up with His will.

You know, Lysa Terkeurst said something the other day that I thought was cool. She said a question had been challenging her: "What if God decided today to answer every prayer you prayed last week...would you be utterly blown away or deeply grieved you hadn't prayed for more?"

I am challenged too--to pray more and expect more from God. Because He could answer every prayer we've ever prayed today. Now, I have chills...expecting a prayer movement...and many answers coming our way.

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