Friday, December 18, 2015

Room to Wait

There's a verse in Habakkuk that stays with me. It rolls around in my brain and is imprinted on my soul. "For the vision is for an appointed time. Though it tarries, wait for it. For it shall surely come. It will not be behindhand on its appointed day."

There was a time in my life when this verse was gift from God to me. Suddenly, I was seeing it everywhere. I bet it appeared twenty times in one week. It was God saying to me--wait, be patient--things will happen in my timing.

And you know what? His timing is best.

I've gone from where I would ask for things to come "soon, please" to asking for things to come in His timing. This is a recent thing with me, as in maybe two weeks ago. lol But I am so at peace with that prayer. Because, finally, I think, just maybe...I get it. Maybe God has finally broken through all those barriers built by the world, Disney movies, and my own sense of entitlement.

And I can see the choir of angels singing. ;)

Really, I think it must bring God extreme pleasure to finally get through to His children. Of course, it's been a process. And there's nothing wrong with imperfect progress. He teaches things to our souls as life goes along. There's some lessons we're not ready for at twenty. Perhaps we would have been burdened by them. But at thirty, they set us free.

Just maybe. Just maybe we weren't meant to have everything we ever wanted. Just maybe. Just maybe we were only meant for Him.

And everything else is a gift. Talent, career,'s all a gift.

May we thank Him everyday. Even for the wait. I believe we all need a vision. The Bible says that "without a vision, the people perish." But as that vision comes into focus, we must live in the moment, love in the moment, pray in that moment. And be happy in the wait. Knowing that God gives us the room to wait for a reason. Perhaps, it's all a process of our sanctification--each tear, each sigh, each smile, each kiss, and each breath.

So let's take that breath and rest by abiding in Him while waiting on Him.

I am, finally. What about you?

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