Monday, April 25, 2016

Worshipping Trust

I read today that to trust God is also a way of worshipping Him. It hit me right in the heart.

I have had a matter that I have needed to trust God in and even though I've done pretty good, I have faltered a bit at times. I've been trying to worship the Lord in song and in prayer more to show that my focus is on Him and my delight is in Him.

But to think of trust as a way to show

So, perhaps that is all God is asking me to do now. Trust.

Trust that He knows better than me. That His ways are beyond my own. And that He can work this out in a way I can only dream.

And that act of trust would be a better way to worship Him than singing all of the worship songs and praying all of the prayers that could exist in the world.

And that, I think, is pretty profound.


Thursday, April 14, 2016


"He who has called you to it is faithful, and He will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Sometimes, when God tells you something, you just have to listen. No matter what comes up to distract you, no matter what other arguments are out there, you have to believe.

Someone once asked me if they thought some things hinged on our level of faith. To be honest, I think they do. I'm not saying everything is like that. And I'm not saying our performance has to be perfect.

But...God says that we should "hold fast to the confession of our hope, without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23) And also, that we shouldn't doubt because it is like being tossed by the waves of the sea. (James 1:6)

I know. I know. Sometimes, we exercise great faith and still things don't work out. And that's where it get's hard. Did we hear God wrong? Did we make up our own solution and then pretend that it was His will?

Whatever happened, that does not mean that when we know we've heard from God again, that we should doubt everything that He says. I believe that it is okay to ask for signs. Or to ask for confirmation of His calling.

But once He's given it to you three, five, ten, fifty times...maybe it's time to start exercising that faith. Do not give in to the devil and his lies.

Only God's word stands eternal. And if He has spoken something over you, it is as good as done.

He will do it. We just have to do our part and be obedient to what He tells us to do. And then we sit back and wait to see Him perform His wonders, believing--without wavering--that He will deliver on His promises.

We may not be able to count on much or on many people, but we can count on God.

Every time. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

And that's all I need to know. How about you?

Monday, April 4, 2016

"Love you" From a Stranger

A "Love you" from a stranger can make your day.

That said, I will assuage all of your fears and assure you that this didn't come from some creepy guy on the street corner. Or some weird person in my office that I needed to call the cops on.

No, it came from one of the ladies at work as she left for the day. And it did so much for my heart. You see, I had been feeling kind of down on myself. For a few different reasons, none of which, I'm sure, God wanted me to be feeling.

But you know what. I am who I am. I am who God made me to be.

And I am loved.

There may be only a few people in your life that appreciate you. Or there may be more than you think. But regardless, there is only one you in the universe.

And you are beyond special to God.

And who knows, maybe to that lady, too.

His Mercies are New

Every Morning.

Every morning, His mercies are new. That amazes me. Just today, I woke up feeling like God was probably unhappy with me. And then, to my wonderment, He flooded me with scripture and songs that spoke of His mercy, His grace, and His love.

This morning, I really felt that God isn't in Heaven waiting to judge us. He is in Heaven waiting for the chance to forgive us. He wants to show us grace. He wants to overwhelm us with his mercy. He wants to forgive us. He wants to give us new life in Him.

Yes, He wants us to grow as Christians and to exercise our faith in discipline. But He also knows our human hearts. He knows that we are weak. He knows that our righteousness is as filthy rags.

And yet He loves us. My pastor said on Sunday that salvation is not fair. That's because NONE of us deserve it. Even those of us that appear to have it all together disappoint God on a daily basis. Sometimes more so than others. Some days, we may seem to glow with His presence. Others, we strive and struggle to even feel His presence.

But God is with us through it all! He does not give up on us. He will not. It is against His character.

So, if you're wondering if God is merciful enough to forgive you this morning, He is. His mercies are new every morning. It is Satan that accuses you to condemn you. God convicts you in order to redeem you.

Isn't that marvelous and miraculous? But that's what God does best. Astounds us with His goodness.

And overwhelms us with His mercy and love.

It makes me think of the words to that hymn:

How marvelous, how wonderful,
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous, how wonderful
Is my Savior's love for me.