Monday, April 25, 2016

Worshipping Trust

I read today that to trust God is also a way of worshipping Him. It hit me right in the heart.

I have had a matter that I have needed to trust God in and even though I've done pretty good, I have faltered a bit at times. I've been trying to worship the Lord in song and in prayer more to show that my focus is on Him and my delight is in Him.

But to think of trust as a way to show

So, perhaps that is all God is asking me to do now. Trust.

Trust that He knows better than me. That His ways are beyond my own. And that He can work this out in a way I can only dream.

And that act of trust would be a better way to worship Him than singing all of the worship songs and praying all of the prayers that could exist in the world.

And that, I think, is pretty profound.


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