Monday, April 4, 2016

"Love you" From a Stranger

A "Love you" from a stranger can make your day.

That said, I will assuage all of your fears and assure you that this didn't come from some creepy guy on the street corner. Or some weird person in my office that I needed to call the cops on.

No, it came from one of the ladies at work as she left for the day. And it did so much for my heart. You see, I had been feeling kind of down on myself. For a few different reasons, none of which, I'm sure, God wanted me to be feeling.

But you know what. I am who I am. I am who God made me to be.

And I am loved.

There may be only a few people in your life that appreciate you. Or there may be more than you think. But regardless, there is only one you in the universe.

And you are beyond special to God.

And who knows, maybe to that lady, too.

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