Friday, October 7, 2016

To Let Go

No, I'm not going to go into a chorus of "Let it go" even if I sorta do have that temptation. I'm sorry, but not being a momma of lots of little girls, I still kinda like that song.

Now, before you throw your morning coffee at me, I will go ahead and get into my topic. :)

It is when we hold onto things that we can never enjoy them. It is only when we release them to God and hold loosely to them, that we can find peace and find pleasure in even the smallest things in life--that smile from a co-worker, a hug from a friend, the butterfly on the sidewalk, or the giggle of a child in the hallway.

It is when we find more enjoyment in the big things in life too--our families, our jobs, and our passions. Because it is only when we trust God with those things that we can live in the present, not worrying about the past or being anxious about the future.

And the present is all we'll ever have.

So, I pray that, with me, you'll all release whatever is binding your heart and restricting you to the Lord. He can more than handle this moment.

He can handle all that you throw at him. Even the very hardest things.

And I promise, you'll come out smiling.

Not because things are better. No. But because He is good. And you can trust Him.

So let it go.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Love is


I was watching a show the other day where one of the characters was asking what love is. Without knowing the answer, she was going into hives thinking about her wedding day. In the show, someone eventually reads to her Shakespeare's sonnet:


Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no; it is an ever-fixed mark,
That looks on tempests, and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
   If this be error and upon me proved,
   I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

This seems to help her as she realizes that she must show up for her wedding day, hives and all, and hope that her husband-to-be loves her like Shakespeare says. But did you notice? He still doesn't say what love is. He just says what it is not.

Don't get me wrong, I love Shakespeare. And the spirit of the poem is as beautiful as the words. But I wonder why the show didn't quote the Bible? Because there is a definition of love. It's been written there for all to see for 2,000 years now.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

So there we see. We now know what love is.

And it's nothing like we thought it was is it? The Bible also says that "God is love."

"Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God’s love was revealed among us: God sent His one and only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him..." 1 John 4:7-9

Do you know what I take away from this? Love is not anything like this world says that it is. When someone says, "I don't love you anymore," it simply means nothing. What they are really saying is "I don't feel wild and strong emotions about you anymore."

Love is sacrificial. It has nothing to do with selfish emotion. God himself is love and shows that love by sacrificing himself for us.

We love only when we take our eyes off of ourselves. And as Shakespeare said, if what he said about love isn't true...then no man ever loved.

So, I beg to say, do you love? Have you ever loved? In the true definition?

I think it is worth us all pondering. Including myself.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Hope Always

It has come to my attention recently that hope saves us.

Now, I'm not saying that salvation is through anything or anyone but Jesus Christ. But I've discovered that He is hope. There is little, nay zero, hope without Him. Without His death on the cross, we are without hope for salvation from our sins. Without the resurrection from the dead, there is no hope for life after death. Without His spirit and peace in our hearts, there is no hope for anything beyond the temporary. And how is that hope at all?

You see, hope saves us from ourselves. And this flesh. And painful world.

I've had an area of my life that I have been struggling with lately. And though I hate to admit it, I think that I, in a way, lost my hope. And I suffered for it. Until one night when I was praying and asking God to show me how to liberate myself from my struggle...and He showed me...hope.

The Bible says, "Not only that, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us..." Romans 5:3-5

I've always loved this verse and even wrote a poem about it (posted below), but I have never quite taken in the end of the list of sequenced attributes that suffering eventually produces--hope. You would think perseverance or character would be the end game. But nope--it's hope. Those things are wonderful attributes to have but it is hope that is what God is bringing about in our hearts through those things.

And that hope does not disappoint.



Why? Because God loves us.

And so, when we are struggling with something that seems like it will never end, remember, God is hope. His hope saves us from our fears and from our suffering. It is the hope of our salvation that we cling to--that brings us joy even in this terrible world.

With God, all things are possible. And nothing is ever over, too late, or past redemption.

With Jesus, there is always hope.


"An Echo of Myself"
Occurring step by step, in sequences
A path both narrow and wide, yet constant
Through a glass darkly, a cloud surfaces
Inevitably, each voice grows distant
At first, the subtlety of the echo
Almost laughingly leaves the voice intact
Resonating unique, it rests as though
It's identity found what it once lacked
Silence, for a moment; a sword pierces
Once integral to me, now forgotten
The Word; as truth vanishes, one faces
A solitude from whence is begotten
Hope echoed from fragrant alabaster

Friday, May 27, 2016

Darkness to Light

I think that often times, we get pulled into this mentality that our life is less than what it should be. We talk about being in the wilderness. We say that there is a brighter day coming.

And it's true.

But what if...just what if that bright day didn't happen until we see Jesus face to face? What if the prosperity messages that feel so good are not to be our reality? Now, I'm not trying to be a downer here, but the simple truth is, we are not all meant to be famous, rich, or even a success. At least, in our word's version of those achievements.

God's version of famous might be different: it may be that your name is written on His hands.

God's version of rich might be different: it may be that you have all the glory of Heaven to inherit.

God's version of success might be different: it may be that you fulfill His purpose for your life.

And so, when we fall and when we sit in darkness, we do rise again. But only with the Lord as our light. Everything else has to fade away into that darkness. And the only vision we have is the candle of Jesus Christ shining, illuminated by His own glory.

We rise--like in Baptism--to a new life. One that no longer focuses on ourselves at all but only on Jesus and His Kingdom. The Bible says, "Seek first ye the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

And yes, I believe that to be true. I'm not saying that God will not fulfill the desires of our hearts or "add all these things." All I'm saying is, that it might look a lot different than we think. Perhaps the desire of our heart should be nothing but God. Perhaps "all these things" are His provision to fuel us along His pathway for us.

And I do think He often leaves blessings along the way. He is not a harsh God. He is a good God that wants to give His children good things.

But His good things. Not necessarily ours.

And maybe until we're ready to accept that--without complaining--we might never know what it is to truly be in the light. Maybe the whole time, we're just lost in the darkness of our own desires and our own meager tangible world.

Perhaps the light that God wants us to live in is much grander than that. And we have to fall and experience the loss of hopes and dreams--even if only for a time--to find what is even better.

Him and Him alone. And find that He, indeed, is more than enough. And His light enables us to truly see in this dark world that we live in.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Worshipping Trust

I read today that to trust God is also a way of worshipping Him. It hit me right in the heart.

I have had a matter that I have needed to trust God in and even though I've done pretty good, I have faltered a bit at times. I've been trying to worship the Lord in song and in prayer more to show that my focus is on Him and my delight is in Him.

But to think of trust as a way to show

So, perhaps that is all God is asking me to do now. Trust.

Trust that He knows better than me. That His ways are beyond my own. And that He can work this out in a way I can only dream.

And that act of trust would be a better way to worship Him than singing all of the worship songs and praying all of the prayers that could exist in the world.

And that, I think, is pretty profound.


Thursday, April 14, 2016


"He who has called you to it is faithful, and He will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Sometimes, when God tells you something, you just have to listen. No matter what comes up to distract you, no matter what other arguments are out there, you have to believe.

Someone once asked me if they thought some things hinged on our level of faith. To be honest, I think they do. I'm not saying everything is like that. And I'm not saying our performance has to be perfect.

But...God says that we should "hold fast to the confession of our hope, without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23) And also, that we shouldn't doubt because it is like being tossed by the waves of the sea. (James 1:6)

I know. I know. Sometimes, we exercise great faith and still things don't work out. And that's where it get's hard. Did we hear God wrong? Did we make up our own solution and then pretend that it was His will?

Whatever happened, that does not mean that when we know we've heard from God again, that we should doubt everything that He says. I believe that it is okay to ask for signs. Or to ask for confirmation of His calling.

But once He's given it to you three, five, ten, fifty times...maybe it's time to start exercising that faith. Do not give in to the devil and his lies.

Only God's word stands eternal. And if He has spoken something over you, it is as good as done.

He will do it. We just have to do our part and be obedient to what He tells us to do. And then we sit back and wait to see Him perform His wonders, believing--without wavering--that He will deliver on His promises.

We may not be able to count on much or on many people, but we can count on God.

Every time. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

And that's all I need to know. How about you?

Monday, April 4, 2016

"Love you" From a Stranger

A "Love you" from a stranger can make your day.

That said, I will assuage all of your fears and assure you that this didn't come from some creepy guy on the street corner. Or some weird person in my office that I needed to call the cops on.

No, it came from one of the ladies at work as she left for the day. And it did so much for my heart. You see, I had been feeling kind of down on myself. For a few different reasons, none of which, I'm sure, God wanted me to be feeling.

But you know what. I am who I am. I am who God made me to be.

And I am loved.

There may be only a few people in your life that appreciate you. Or there may be more than you think. But regardless, there is only one you in the universe.

And you are beyond special to God.

And who knows, maybe to that lady, too.

His Mercies are New

Every Morning.

Every morning, His mercies are new. That amazes me. Just today, I woke up feeling like God was probably unhappy with me. And then, to my wonderment, He flooded me with scripture and songs that spoke of His mercy, His grace, and His love.

This morning, I really felt that God isn't in Heaven waiting to judge us. He is in Heaven waiting for the chance to forgive us. He wants to show us grace. He wants to overwhelm us with his mercy. He wants to forgive us. He wants to give us new life in Him.

Yes, He wants us to grow as Christians and to exercise our faith in discipline. But He also knows our human hearts. He knows that we are weak. He knows that our righteousness is as filthy rags.

And yet He loves us. My pastor said on Sunday that salvation is not fair. That's because NONE of us deserve it. Even those of us that appear to have it all together disappoint God on a daily basis. Sometimes more so than others. Some days, we may seem to glow with His presence. Others, we strive and struggle to even feel His presence.

But God is with us through it all! He does not give up on us. He will not. It is against His character.

So, if you're wondering if God is merciful enough to forgive you this morning, He is. His mercies are new every morning. It is Satan that accuses you to condemn you. God convicts you in order to redeem you.

Isn't that marvelous and miraculous? But that's what God does best. Astounds us with His goodness.

And overwhelms us with His mercy and love.

It makes me think of the words to that hymn:

How marvelous, how wonderful,
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous, how wonderful
Is my Savior's love for me.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Perfect Love

"Perfect love casts out fear." 1 John 4:18

How wonderful, that God's love is perfect--and in His love, there is no fear. We don't have to worry. We can just rest.

Isn't that beautiful? I've been thinking lately about love. Who hasn't? And I've had a mix of feelings.

But I will tell you the absolute truth. I know that I have the best love in the world. His name is Jesus. I don't have to worry that He will be fickle. I don't have concerns about His faithfulness. I don't ever feel the need to try and win His affections.

He loves me. That's simply it. The simple truth.

And isn't that a beautiful love to abide in?

Captivate Us ~ by Watermark

Your face is beautiful
And Your eyes are like the stars
Your gentle hands have healing
There, inside the scars
Your loving arms, they draw me near
And Your smile, it brings me peace
Draw me closer, oh, my Lord
Draw me closer, Lord, to Thee
Captivate us, Lord Jesus
And set our eyes on You
Devastate us with Your presence
Falling down
And rushing river, draw us nearer
And holy fountain consume us with You
And captivate us, Lord Jesus, with You
Your voice is powerful
And Your words are radiant bright
And in Your breath and shadow
I will come close and abide
You whisper love and life divine
And Your fellowship is free
Draw me closer, oh, my Lord
Draw me closer, Lord, to Thee
Captivate us, Lord Jesus
And set our eyes on You
Devastate us with Your presence
Falling down
And rushing river, draw us nearer
And holy fountain consume us with You
And captivate us, Lord Jesus, with You
And let everything be lost in the shadows
Of the light of Your face
Let every chain be broken from me
As I'm bound in Your grace
For Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light
You're full of wisdom, power and might
And every eye will see You
Captivate us, Lord Jesus
And set our eyes on You
Devastate us with Your presence
Falling down
And rushing river, draw us nearer
And holy fountain consume us with You
Captivate us, Lord Jesus, with You
And captivate us, Lord Jesus, with You
Captivate us with You

Friday, February 12, 2016

Tomorow is Another Day

That despairing malaise...when your glass half full somehow gets spilled over and is now lying on the floor close to empty with maybe just a drop or two of that life-giving water lingering at the edges.

Bleh. Everyone feels like a bucket of cold water has been thrown over them sometimes...maybe containing seaweed and few frogs for good measure. And for some reason, from start to finish, your day just has this blanket of melancholy across it. You try and fight it, and maybe you even succeed a little, but it's as if the universe has agreed that somehow, someway, it is going to put you back in a bad mood if it possibly can!

Personally, I think this can happen because of spiritual warfare. Satan loves to try and mess with someone's life, especially when they are doing something for the Kingdom of God. I do not believe that demons can possess Christians, but they can oppress them. So, when I begin to feel that way and I just don't know why, I start by praying demons and spiritual oppression away. And sometimes, I have to continue in this prayer throughout the day before the feelings release.

Other times, I think the malaise is caused by the weather, barometric pressure, lack of sleep, and pbly something somebody said that triggered this melancholy even though now we can't remember what anyone said or did. Things cumulate until we feel too tired to go on like we had before.

When we feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired, there is only one thing to do: seek the presence of the Lord. It may be the very last thing you want to do in that moment, but I promise, it is the ONLY thing that will bring refreshing and hope back into your perspective.

The Bible says "Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you." James 4:8 (NKJV) It doesn't say maybe. It doesn't say possibly. Or even very likely.

He WILL draw near to you. And I don't know about you, but the presence of the Lord is more than enough of a river of delight, abundance, and peace to get me through a bad day.

And after all, like Scarlett is so famous for saying, "Tomorrow is another day."

Friday, February 5, 2016

Why Did That Happen?

I truly believe that we are fighting a spiritual war here on Earth. We are not fighting against flesh and blood so much as the spiritual forces of darkness.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Eph. 6:12

Sometimes, God allows what we see to be bad or an inconvenience in our life because he is preventing something else worse from happening or He is setting us up for a different future than we could have if we had that something that we've always wanted...or even if we have a fender bender, get stuck in traffic, or find ourselves in the middle of a conflict that we never intended to get into in the first place.

Now, I'm not saying that God causes bad things to happen. Unless we are talking about His judgment or punishment, which sometimes happens, I truly do not believe He purposes to cause His children harm. The Bible says that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." James 1: 17 It also says, "So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him." Matthew 7:11 (NLT)

But the truth is, as much as God desires our good, our world is just full of bad. It is because of the fall of man (Adam and Eve sinning in the garden--you know, the apple and the snake and all that) and because that original sin infected man kind for the future that mankind continues on Earth. Now, I do not believe that children die and go to hell. I believe in something called the Age of Accountability. Look that up if you're interested! But I do think we all suffer from a sin condition that we were, essentially, born with. But I think we all can admit that we all have "sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," no matter what Eve did. So, because God gave us free will, we sin. Did God have to give us free will? Nope. He could have made us all robots that followed Him no matter what. But He didn't. He decided to give us the choice.

Why? Because He wants us to choose on our own to follow Him out of the love in our hearts. He wants a true relationship with us. He did this for our own good. He wanted us to be in a relationship with Him that was greater than that of the angels even (whom He also gave free will by the way). He wanted us to share in His own glory as co-heirs with Christ. He wanted so very much for us! Of course, we usually find a way to disappoint God. We usually let our flesh get us in trouble for time to time. Which is why it is so wonderful to be covered in the blood of Christ, sealed with Him for eternity.

But here's the deal, we cannot blame all the bad stuff in the world on God. We can't get all up in arms because He's not a genie granting us our every wish. God has a bigger picture of our lives and the world than we do. And the main thing is that people are saved and that His Kingdom is expanded. And He does have a plan on ridding the world of evil eventually. And vanquishing Satan. Whoohoo!

In the meantime, though, we have a job--and that is to share the Gospel of Christ and to be His examples on Earth. In our jobs, in our families, in our going about the world, we should be about His business--and not our own. Ouch. That really puts things into perspective for me. I have no right to throw things in the face of God when my life is not my own anyway. And I know He has a good plan for me. I know this because His word says it. "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and hope." Jeremiah 29:11

So, the next time you stub your toe, try saying a word of praise to God instead of cursing. He has a plan--and maybe it was that you wouldn't wear your high heeled shoes and fall down the stairs, breaking your who knows what. Who knows? Only God does.

So let's leave things to Him and just do what He has told us to--be His witnesses to a lost world, confused and trapped by its darkness, not knowing or understanding the Light that could dispel it all for once and for all--and for good.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Gentle Answers

"A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger," the Bible says. (Proverbs 15:1) And yet, how often do we respond to situations with humility, graciousness, and love? Maybe if more of us did, the hate that exists in the world would not be so great.

Of course, there are those people in the world, that no matter what you do or say, are simply  just going to be hateful. And not like you. And say mean things about you. But ya know what, those people are really the ones missing out in life. Those are the ones, that to me, have completely missed the point of life. The only thing to do for those people is to feel sorry for them, pray for them, and leave them to God.

But I have noticed, over the past decade or so, that praying for the people that you are in conflict with creates a love for them that goes beyond understanding. When we ask that their hearts remain open, that the words we speak to them will be received well, and that God will do a work of restoration...whether that is a day, two weeks, or two years from now...then God usually does what He does best. And that's redeem, restore, and resurrect the dead and lifeless things in our lives, relationships, and hearts.

Just today, I had the opportunity to get back at someone. But the Bible says, "Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will bless you for it." (1 Peter 3:9 NLT)

So what did I do? I smiled at her and laughed at a joke she made. And ya know what, her face brightened and she seemed to have an extra skip in her step. Who knows? Maybe she was waiting for me to lay the smack down. Or maybe she just had a really bad day the other day when I felt mistreated. Who knows. Only God does. A bad day doesn't excuse bad behavior. But being treated badly by someone does not excuse my treating them badly in return.

"Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18

Maybe the world's answer would have been different. Maybe I should have made a snarky comment or ignored the person. Maybe I should have tried to undermine her character with others. But we are supposed to be different than the rest of the world. We are supposed to be known by our love. We encourage, we lift up, we bring life to people. We heal. If we call ourselves Christians, we have a higher calling. And I am going to start trying to live up to it a little harder, one small choice--one gentle answer--at a time.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Enduring Promise

"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised." Hebrews 10: 36 (NASB)

I know I shared in a blog a few weeks ago that I had not heard very much about the promises of God until recent years. Now, the topic is blowing up Christian author's books, pages, blogs, and posts. Pastors that I have listened to for years are doing sermons about God's promises to us. My mother wrote something interesting lately on her blog--that there are between 300 and 30,000 promises from God in the Bible. Wow!

But one thing to think about, when we are contemplating the beautiful, comforting, and encouraging promises of God is...what do we do to receive these promises? I think this verse puts it fairly clearly.

We endure. We do the will of God. And we trust that someday, we will receive what God has promised.

But why is it that it seems like the culmination  and consummation of our hopes is so far away? Or maybe it seems that God puts us through a whole lot of fire first?

I can't really answer that. Except that it is the way God has worked since the beginning. Abraham and Sarah had to wait until they were a century old to receive the promised child. Isaac was 40 and Rebekah is thought to be around 23 (ancient for a woman back then to get married) when they tied the knot. Hannah prayed for years for her son, Samuel, to be born even while her husband had a hard time understanding why he wasn't enough for her. Joseph waited 13 years, through prison and trying circumstances, before he was made second to Pharaoh in Egypt. The Israelites waited 40 years to enter the promised land. The Jews waited for thousands of years for the Messiah. Jesus waited 30 years before His ministry began. And we continue to wait, 2,000 years later with anxious expectation, for His second coming.

There may be a lot of reasons that God works this way. Part of it may be timing. If Abraham and Sarah had given birth to Isaac 60-70 years before they did, he'd have been really old when Rebekah was 23. Samuel was born at a time when Eli needed someone to train up to take over after him because Eli's sons were so evil, and when Samuel was in his old age, he was the one that God chose to anoint David as king. Thinking of that kind of gives me chills.

So, trusting in God's timing seems like it would be a good thing.

Also, I believe that there are developments in our lives, both in the outward and in the spiritual, that build up like premises to a certain conclusion. God is doing things in our lives and in our spirits to prepare us for the promised outcome. Sometimes, when we think we are ready, we really are not. And sometimes when we think we are not ready, God is ready to push us out of our comfort zone into His ultimate will for our lives. If Joseph had not been sold into slavery by his brothers, he would not have worked in Potiphar's house. If he had not worked in Potiphar's house, he would not have been approached by his wife. If Potiphar's wife had not approached him, he would never have gone to jail. If he had never had gone to jail, he would not have interpreted the baker and the butler's dreams. If he had not interpreted those dreams, he would not have been remembered two years later (TWO years later) to interpret the Pharaoh's dreams. If he hadn't interpreted the Pharaoh's dreams, he would never have become second to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt. If he had never become second in the land of Egypt, he would not been able to save his family from starvation during the famine. 

And yet, I'm sure when Joseph was going through all that, he may not have understood why or what God was doing. But he trusted God. And followed Him through everything. And God led him to where and who he was supposed to be.

I can't really answer all the questions of life, but I do know this: God has a purpose for you on this Earth. If you are alive, He has a reason for you being here. So look up. Ask Him what He would have you do. It may take some time, but if you follow the steps He lays out, you will eventually reach your destination. We may not all end up advisors to Kings, but we will be living the very life that God has given us to live. And why would we want anything else but that?

Enduring the race, we look to the end. And there at the finish line, Jesus stands waiting with open arms. Because He is our ultimate promise. He is our ultimate prize. I don't know about you, but I'm going to do my utmost to keep trying to get to Him. Even if I don't understand everything along the path to Him. Because it's my path--the one He laid out for me. I don't have to look to anyone else's path. Only mine. And if I endure my own race to the finish line, what an unbelievable glorious uncomprehensible fulfillment of His Promise at the end!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Unveil My Face & Make Me Up

A complete makeover. That's what I need.

And although I might need a few tweaks here and there when it comes to my style, that's not quite what I mean. But I do need someone to make me up.

The Bible says, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV) The New Living Translation is also a cool way to read this verse: "So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."

That's the makeover I'm talking about--being changed into the image of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

And wow, I have a lot of work still to be done! But the good news is, my true face--the one that I was created to have--has been unveiled. Sin has fallen away and God is transforming me. It may be a slower process than He might like some of the time. But the process is underway.

I'm not sure about you, but I am making imperfect progress along the way of my sanctification. But that's okay. Most of us probably are. God understands that we are human--that we are "only dust." But if we, as Christians, are not constantly trying to improve ourselves--cut out those few words that slip out, forgive that person that slighted you, make an effort to be self-sacrificial when you want to be selfish, cut the ties to something that you know is holding you back from a pure heart or mind, and even consider if there is anything that you are doing that might not be conducive to honoring Christ, knowing Him, and expanding His kingdom...then what are we doing? Are we only playing at being Christians? Is His grace active in us or is it, truly, in vain?

Wow. Yikes. We have a high calling, don't we? But how glorious--to have that calling, to have that hope, to know that He is patient enough to still work on us.

As I said last time, the Bible says our "righteousness is as filthy rags." So, even our very best is, simply put, not good enough. We need the covering--the cloak--of Christ's perfect righteousness to be able to enter the presence of God. Otherwise, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I'd be struck down by lightening. So, thank God that He had the perfect plan for an Intercessor--Someone that would take our place and plead our case before Him.

But in this life on Earth, the truth is, we are just flawed people. Our flesh haunts us, and until we are in our eternal body, we will continue to have fits with ourselves.

There is one good thing about our imperfection, even as we strive for better and continue to be transformed into His image--there is no danger in leading people to ourselves as the example. It is always Christ that is Who we should be pointing people to. At least until we think we are like Paul, that is. I think he did tell people to do like he did if they wanted an example to immolate. But I am not Paul yet. I'm not sure that many of us are. And even he admitted that he was the chief of sinners. Christ, alone, was righteousness personified.

I think that "working out our salvation" is the process of our sanctification. We show in deed and word, in continuing to be transformed into the image of Christ, that we are, indeed, saved.

Because if our deeds do not line up with what we say that we believe, especially over a long period of time, I think a serious questioning needs to occur--are we even believers in the first place? Why would we say that we have taken up the cross of Christ, have died to ourselves, and live now only for Him....only to do the very exact things that He tells us not to? And if you are in sin, especially grievous sin, and you are not constantly haunted by it and moving toward repentance--I think that you have some serious praying and seeking to do.

We all have some serious praying and seeking to do, no matter where we are on the scale or pendulum swing toward our eventual completion and perfection in Christ (which I don't believe will be completely fulfilled until we are out of these fleshly bodies as mentioned earlier). But we all need to ask the Lord where we are failing Him and where we can let some things go or improve our character.

I don't want to arrive in the presence of the Lord someday and see His eyes filled with disappointment. That would break my heart. I want for Him, someday, to see me as His handmaiden, that walked, lived, prayed, believed, and worked out her salvation with sincerity of heart, knowing all the while that without His blood and grace, I wouldn't be able to face him at all. But still, to please the Lord with who I am and how I live my life, is there any greater joy?

I read somewhere that our job is to be obedient and that His job is everything else. So, let's take some steps of obedience today, shall we? And leave the consequences with Him, knowing that partaking in His glory will be so much more, so much a better replacement for whatever we let go of, that we might very well be taken under by His faithfulness to us.

Friday, January 8, 2016


The truth is, I am not good enough. And neither are you.

None of us are. The Bible says that even "our righteousness is as filthy rags." Thank God for His grace, right? And the covering of His blood. It is because He took our place--our punishment--that we can take on His cloak of righteousness. He made a pretty incredible trade for us. Taking our death so that we could take part of His glory.

And it is His blood, His grace, His breath of life in us, that makes us good. Enough for Him. Enough for everyone else.

Enough for me.

Ouch, that is hard one. I have to write that out with gritted teeth. Maybe this is more of a female thing, but I think both sexes deal with it. We want everyone else to treat us like we think we deserve but we don't treat ourselves very nicely. We say negative things about ourselves, sometimes even out loud.

I am going to challenge myself and everyone reading this blog to not say one negative thing about yourself or over yourself for the next week. From January 8th to January 15, there can be no "I am such an idiot," "I'm a mess," "I can't do that," or  even "I don't like that mole," "I'm having a bad hair day," or "I wish I had smaller, bigger, better _________."

For one week, only say the things that God says about you. I am "fearfully and wonderfully made," "a child of God," "His beloved," "a co-heir with Christ," and a "friend of God."

God is for us and not against us. So, maybe we shouldn't be either. Maybe we should trust God--that what He says about us is true. Just maybe...if we try to believe Him instead of Satan, at the end of the week, our attitudes, our perspective, and our lives might even be changed.

Friday, January 1, 2016

More than Lesser Things: A New Year's Post

Most of you have probably heard Laura Storey's song, "Blessings," posted below. In that song, she says that God's "love is way too much to give us lesser things." Meaning, that all the things that we want--health, happiness, and prosperity are the lesser things in life. The better things are love, grace, and the presence of God. And if we always had the former, would we even want the latter...or recognize our desperate need for it? Would we come to understand that He's the reason we were created, the reason we breathe, the reason we get up in the morning? That His love is, in fact, better than life?

It's funny, isn't  it, the way the human mind works? Perhaps it is because we are fallen. Perhaps it is because we can only see one day at a time, one hour, one moment...but I don't like it very much when I'm going through the trials and tribulations of this world. I want to believe the prosperity gospel people and think everything will be great all the time if I follow the Lord.

There are huge problems with that philosophy though. One of them is that Jesus told his people that they would suffer. That's a pretty big one to me. Also, there are stories of righteous people in the Bible that go through trials (Job, for one. Also, there is the story of the blind man that the Lord says his blindness was not through his fault or his parents but that the glory of the Lord would be shown through him). That's not a thought that makes much sense to us, is it? That God would allow this hindrance or handicap in this man's life for His glory? But it is obvious in that man's story and the miracle that Jesus performed, that God was honored. I think of Nick Vujicic, the Christian speaker and author with no arms or legs. It was that exact story that caused him to become a Christian at twelve years old. It was when he realized that God could use his handicap for good and for God's glory. And look where Nick is now...probably where he would never have been with his arms and legs intact.

So, we live, we breath, we pray...and we trust God in His sovereignty. And thank Him for not giving us lesser things...for standing in our place, interceding for us, and holding out for our best. And this New Year's Day, that is what I am praying for--for more than the lesser things in life--for God's very best.

"We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
And all the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear

We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your word is not enough
And all the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not,
This is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near

What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise"